About Us
Maharogi Sewa Samiti
Shraddhey Baba Amte founded the ‘Maharogi Sewa Samiti’ in 1949 at Warora situated in Chandrapur District, a backward and tribal region of Maharashtra State. The Institution has been legally incorporated in 1951 as a Charitable Institution for the treatment, training, welfare, and rehabilitation of leprosy-afflicted persons in the premised known as “Anandwan”. Anandwan is the home of those who had been rejected by society. They were the lonely, vulnerable, wounded, and abandoned; they were the lost, the last, and the least. At Anandwan, every one of them is welcomed with open arms, to stay as long as they wish.
Agriculture, Horticulture, and Dairy Farms were the first enterprises that the patients at Anandwan started in their quest for self-sufficiency. Within a few years, the rocky barren land was bearing five times the average yield in the District, enriched by the sensitivity of insensate hands and the creativity of scientific minds exiled by society. Today, Anandwan produces enough to meet its requirements and also to provide for those who rejected its inmates. Today, Agriculture is carried out on 250 acres of land that produces food grains, vegetables, fruits, floriculture, and Horticulture out of 465 acres.
Taking into consideration the need for Agriculture education in this backward and tribal region, the Anand Niketan College of Agriculture has been established in 1965 with the aims and objects of Education, Research and Extension Education by efficient and effective Management of ‘Maharogi Sewa Samiti’, Anandwan, Warora, situated in District Chandrapur in Maharashtra State.
Anand Niketan College of Agriculture
Anand Niketan College of Agriculture has been established in 1965 and is managed under the efficient and effective Management of ‘Maharogi Sewa Samiti’ of Shraddhey Baba Amte, the renowned social reformer. The Agriculture College is affiliated with Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra State and offers B.Sc.(Hons) Agril. Degree program of four years duration under VIII Semester system as per ICAR course curriculum. Under B.Sc. (Agri) program 120 students are admitted through Maharashtra Council of Agricultural Education and Research, Pune, and Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola after 10+2 schooling in science. The entire system of education and examination is overviewed under the State Agriculture University.
There are 400 students and 28 teachers in the College and most of the teachers are holding Ph.D. Degrees and every year students of our college stand on the university merit list.
Library: Anand Niketan College of Agriculture
Anand Niketan College of Agriculture Library is functioning since 1965 in a separate library building at Anandwan Campus. The library is a core unit of Agriculture College and caters to the informational needs of 400 students, academic staff, and scientists of this Agriculture College with various services and fulfills the aims and objectives of Agriculture College i.e. Agriculture Education, Research, and Agriculture Extension Education.
The Library is known as a growing organism and several books, journals, and reading materials are added every year; presently the library has a good collection of books about 15700 (unique-titles), and 07 subscribed journals. Last year due to pandemics some of the journals, periodicals, and newspapers were not been in regularly. Library provides a gateway to several online agricultural resources like journals, periodicals, e-books, e-theses, and dissertations through the web portal. The Library is also rendering efficient and effective reference and informational services to the Scientists of the nearest Agriculture Research Station, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Agriculture Officers, of State Government of Agriculture Department, Panchayat Samiti, Warora, and to the progressive and grass-root cultivators of this backward and tribal region.
The Library building of Agriculture College is presently on a functional basis and has the best arrangements of various sections for the efficient and effective functioning to play a major role in the Agricultural Education System.
Glimpses of Eminent Personalities Visited and their reviews

Library Team:
Mr. Ravindra S. Bankar
Mrs. Pranita S. Rambhale
Library Assistant
B.A., B.LISc.
Mr. Manmod B. Patil
Library Clerk
B. Com., D.LISc.
Mr. Gaurishankar P. Khot
Library Attendent
B.Com., M.LISc.
Mr. Vinod Belkhude
Library Peon
M.A., B.Ed.