Agricultural & Allied Sciences E-Resources:
- ICAR Journals
- CABI Agriculture and Bioscience
- Rice
- Journal of Cotton Research
- Journal of Sugarcane Research
- Agriculture & Food Security
- Agro-Food Safety
- Cogent Food & Agriculture
- Plant Methods
- Tropical Plant Research
- Ancient Science of Life
- Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal
- Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding
- Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Journal of Plant Science & Molecular Breeding
- Cell Research
- The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
- Journal of Extension Education
- Asian Journal of Extension Education
- Veterinary World
- Journal of Applied Animal Research
- Marine and Fishery Sciences
- Veterinary Quarterly
- SOIL Journal
- Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
- Frontiers in Soil Science
- Agropedology
- Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research
- Horticulturae
- Horticulture Research
- Journal of Horticultural Sciences
- Molecular Horticulture
- International Journal of Horticulture & Agriculture
- VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research
- Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology
- International Journal of Mycobacteriology
- Conservation & Society
- Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development
- Nature Environment and Pollution Technology
- Plants and Environment
- Journal of Threatened Taxa
- Agricultural & Environmental Letters
- Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources
- Journal of Pathology Informatics
- Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology
- Environmental Disease
- Information Processing in Agriculture
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
- Journal of Central European Agriculture
- Advances in Agriculture
- Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
- Agriculture
- International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture
- Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
- Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology
- Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology
- Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems
- African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
- Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture
- Contemporary Agriculture
- Taylor and Francis Journals
- AgriRxiv Preprints
- Krishikosh
- Krishikosh@PDKV
- Shodhganga Indian ETD Repository @ INFLIBNET
- Digital Repository of Science and Technology
- The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
- Electronic theses and Dissertations at Virginia Tech
- Western Virginia University Institutional Repository
- MGU Online Theses Library
- शेतकरी मासिक [मराठी]
- लोकराज्य मासिक [मराठी]
- लोकराज्य मासिक [हिंदी]
- खेती मासिक [हिंदी]
- फल-फूल द्वी-मासिक [हिंदी]
- कृषी जागरण मासिक [मराठी] (Login: [email protected] Pass: ANCALIB)
- कृषी जागरण मासिक [हिंदी] (Login: [email protected] Pass: ANCALIB)
- गोडवा मासिक [मराठी]
- कृषीपर्व मासिक [मराठी]
- कृषी पणन मित्र [मराठी]
- कृषिभूषण मासिक [मराठी]
- योजना मासिक [हिंदी/Eng]
- कुरुक्षेत्र मासिक [हिंदी/Eng]
- कृषक भारती मासिक [हिंदी]
- कृषक-दूत साप्ताहिक [हिंदी]
- Agriculture Today
- Times of Agriculture
- Intensive Agriculture
- KRISHI (Knowledge-based Resources Information Systems Hub for Innovations in agriculture-ICAR)
- E-Krishishiksha
- CAB Direct
- KRISHI-GeoPortal(ICAR)
- KVK Portal (ICAR)
- Agricultural Censuses Database
- Agriculture Information Portal
- Agricultural Statistics at a Glance (It contains a separate page of links from 2014 to 2018)
- Agricultural Wages in India
- Agriculture Water Management Portal
- Animal Genetic Resources of India
- Animal Husbandry Statistics
- CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture
- Cost of Cultivation and related Data
- Crop Production Statistics Information System
- Farm Harvest Prices of Principal Crops in India
- Farmer’s Portal: One Stop for Farmers
- DAHD Database
- Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa
- Horticultural Statistics at a Glance
- ICSSR Data Service
- IMD Data Supply Portal
- Land Use Statistics Information System
- Livestock Census
- Local Government Directory
- MHRD E-Contents
- m-KISAN Portal
- National Data Archive (An Online Microdata Library)
- National Data Bank
- Niti Aayog: National Statistics
- Niti Aayog: District wise Statistics
- Niti Aayog: State Statistics
- Statistical Year Book India
- Open Government Data (OGD) Platform
- PM-Kisan Portal
- PocketBook of Agricultural Statistics (It contains a separate page of links from 2014 to 2018 )
- Web-based land use Statistics Information System
- Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Department of Agriculture Maharashtra
- Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
- KVK Portal
- Ministry of Food Processing Industries
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- Ministry of Earth Sciences
- Ministry of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation
- National Food Security Mission
- Vanamati (Vasantrao Naik State Agricultural Extension Management Training Institute)
Competitive Exam E-Resources:
- Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board
- MPSC Online Application Portal
- UPSC Online Application Portal
- Indian Army Rectt. Portal
- Indian Navy Rectt. Portal
- Indian Air force Rectt. Portal
- Indian Coast Guard Rectt. Portal
- Staff Selection Commission
- Staff Selection Commission (Western Region)
- Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
- NABARD Rectt. Portal
- FCI(Food Corporation of India) Rectt. Portal
- Indian Railway Rectt. Board
- AgriExam
- Agripathshala
- IndiaBix
- VisionIAS
- IAS_Baba
- Mrunal_IAS
- IAS Exam Portal
- Chanakya Mandal
- Study Circle
- Bhagirath
- Mission MPSC
- MPSC Toppers
- G✔Pract
- GKDuniya
- Free Online Test
- Cyber Mock Test
- BankersAdda
- TalentSprint
- IBPS EaxamGuru
- Adda247
- Basic Tell
- Career Power
- Edudose
- GK Today
- Sarkari Exams
- Textbook
- Examin (Online Quiz Courses)
- Reliable Academy
Syllabus and Previous Question Papers:
Research Ethics & Integrity
Academic Research Ethics & Integrity Policy:
Recent years have witnessed that the medium of instruction for education has changed from physical to digital. In this information age, students, as well as teachers, are mostly depending on ICT. The assessment of assignments, teaching courses, etc. is changing. Students are highly reliant on the internet for completing their assignments. And due to this, plagiarism is increasing. Plagiarism is now becoming a hazard, as students are unaware of it. The plagiarism concept is known to the research students but undergraduate students are briefly aware of it and they unknowingly copy from the internet resources.
To avoid plagiarism in Academic Submissions like research project reports, scholarly research articles, etc., the library is providing assistance for plagiarism screening and reference management services, Students are advised to strictly adhere to the research ethics policies and mandates issued by ICAR for their academic submissions. This will certainly remain beneficial in their further academic and research endeavors at post-graduate and doctorate levels.
For more information, go through the research ethics guidelines issued by ICAR and GARP by UGC
Online Full-text Document Request Form
Form For Plagiarism Report